Literacy in Language Learning

Literacy is more than just 阅读


Contemporary definitions of literacy include more than basic 阅读, 写作, 听, 和口语, 在当今媒体和信息丰富的环境中有目的地使用这些技能.


Contemporary definitions of literacy include more than basic 阅读, 写作, 听, 和口语, 在当今媒体和信息丰富的环境中有目的地使用这些技能. Literacy is increasingly a collaborative activity, 在谈判, 分析, 观众的意识和理解或创造信息一样重要. 全国英语教师委员会(NCTE)描述了21世纪素养的六个组成部分(2013年):

  • Manage, analyze, and synthesize multiple streams of information
  • Design and share information for global communities
  • Build intentional cross-cultural connections and relationships with others
  • Develop proficiency and fluency with the tools of technology
  • Create, critique, analyze, and evaluate multimedia texts
  • Attend to the ethical responsibilities required by complex environments

《星际网赌登录》中所描述的语言学习是基于五个目标领域,这些目标领域通过三种沟通模式连接阅读,从而连接沟通技能的发展, 写作, 听, 带着交际目的说话)有意义的语境和引人入胜的内容(探索文化), 检查连接, 做比较, and participating in communities). 这种交流与有目的的使用和重要内容的联系,导致了学习活动和应用,解决了NCTE对21世纪读写能力定义的六个组成部分.


Literacy skills can be developed across the curriculum, 正如《星际网赌登录》以及各州标准中对读写能力的描述所证明的那样. 第二语言学习者使用在第一语言中习得的各种策略来构建第二语言的意义. 提高在解释模式中的表现不仅仅是访问更复杂的文本, 相反,它是通过有意识地使用更广泛的策略来理解所听到的内容, 读, 或查看, 包括自上而下的策略(利用背景知识和上下文线索来找出意思)和自下而上的策略(区分声音和字母或识别字符), recognizing word-order patterns, analyzing sentence structure, 检查单词的部分,试图破译意思)”(国家标准合作委员会, 2015). 一种语言的读写能力发展支持第二种或后续语言的读写能力发展. Knowledge and skills from a learner’s first language are used and reinforced, 加深了, and expanded upon when a learner is engaged in second language literacy tasks.


“在各州的标准中,读写能力通常被分为四种技能(阅读), 写作, 听力和口语), and language (being attentive to the conventions of the language, using increasingly precise vocabulary, and understanding how language functions). 世界语言学习准备标准通过强调交流背后的目的来支持这些相同的要素”(国家标准合作委员会), 2015, p. 47). 在某些情况下, 听 may be done to understand a message that is 听到d, 读, 或查看 (Interpretive Communication). 在其他情况下,听和说结合起来进行人际沟通. 同样的, 写作 may be to create a message that is written, 口语, or through media (Presentational Communication). Sometimes 写作 is combined with 阅读, and emphases the exchange of Interpersonal Communication—as in text messaging. “很明显, different means are required to develop, 实践, and assess these skills depending on the communicative purpose behind them. 以这种方式, 交流模式为培养学习者的第一或第二语言的读写能力提供了额外的见解”(国家标准合作委员会), 2015, p. 47).

Through access to authentic literature from another language and culture, 学习者从文化的作者那里体验和理解内容和风格. 他们通过接触各种可能或可能不熟悉的文本类型来获得理解技能和解释能力.

学习者的第一语言读写策略(听力)对这三种交流模式的熟练程度发展都有很大的影响, 说话, 阅读, 写作, 使用媒体). Through working with and strengthening those strategies, learners are able to develop stronger literacy in both languages. Second language learners use all means possible to make meaning; gaining awareness of the strategies used to make and express meaning in a second language strengthens learners’ first language strategies. The key question around literacy is to analyze what the author, 演讲者, or producer of the media wants the 读er, 侦听器, or viewer to understand or do. 通过解释和积极比较语言和文化系统以及它们之间的联系, students develop valuable literacy skills.

Critical literacy strategies include the means to access and analyze information, 利用技术, evaluate messages from a wide variety of media, apply creativity to express and analyze messages, 运用批判性思维. 这些和其他21世纪的技能在语言教学中被强调,这是由世界准备标准指导的.




卡尔,C.G. (1994). 基于基本技能综合测验三个子测试的中学外语学习对语言成绩的影响[摘要]. Dissertation Abstracts International -A 55(07), 1856.

Kern R., & 舒尔茨J. (2005). 超越口语:研究第二语言和外语教学中的读写和文学. The Modern Language Journal, 89(3), 381-392.

Merisuo-Storm T. (2007). 双语教育中小学生外语学习态度与读写能力培养. 教学 and Teacher Education, 23(2), 226-235.

National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO). (2010). 英语语言艺术和历史/社会研究的读写能力的共同核心国家标准, 科学, 和技术科目. 华盛顿特区:作家. (见: www.corestandards.组织; also, see each state’s standards for English Language Arts)

The National Standards Collaborative Board. (2015). World-读iness standards for learning languages. 亚历山大,弗吉尼亚州:作家. (见: )

Warford, M., & 白色,W. (2012). 重新连接能力, literacy and culture: From theory to 实践, 外语年鉴, 45(3), 400-414.

Learn More 关于 Guiding Principles

Language learning should be a central part of any curriculum. 原因如下:


ACTFL is committed to providing vision, 领导, 支持高质量的教学和学习,培养下一代全球公民.

好处 of Language Learning

我们认为,除了英语,所有学生都应该学习或保持至少一门世界语言. Therefore, language learning should be a central part of any curriculum.

Articulated Sequences in Language Learning

In order for learners to achieve the highest level of proficiency possible, sequential study over extended periods of time is necessary.



Facilitate Target Language Use

The use of target language refers to all that learners say, 读, 听到, 写, and view – production and reception of language on the part of learners, 教育工作者, 和材料.



Design 交际任务

口头人际交往任务吸引学生的目的是交换信息和想法, 满足某人的需要, 并通过说和听或与他人签署表达和支持意见.

Teach Grammar as a Concept in Context


Provide Effective Feedback

The role of feedback for learners is critical in advancing language proficiency. 反馈应以多种形式提供,包括形成性、总结性和自我评价.